Mrs. Crull's Second Grade Class

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tongue Twisters

This week we wrote tongue twisters. We started by reviewing blends, then I gave the kids a sheet to work with to write six tongue twisters. I chose six blends and made word banks that included words that started with each blend. This activity always ends up being harder than the kids expect. I reminded them that the key to a tongue twister is to make sure most of your words start with the same blend. When they use a lot of "filler words" that do not start with the same blend, it isn't a tongue twister anymore. I then had them choose their favorite tongue twister, rewrite it and draw a picture to go along with it.

Here are four students that I thought did a great job on their tongue twister and picture.

Here are the rest of our classes terrific tongue twisters! :)

Brad's brother Brian brushed Brooke's nice brown braid.

Drew dragon dreamed of wearing a dress.
-Matthew T.-

Brooke brought brown bread.

Brooke had brown bright braided hair. Brick brought broccoli.

Drake drank a dry drink.

Stubborn Stephanie stood like a statue.

Stubborn Stewart stepped onto the stage.

Slick the seal can slap and slip.

Clever Clayton closing the closet.

Brad Brooke brought brown broccoli bread.
-Matthew K.-

Drake dragged a dry drooly dragon wearing a dress!

A fly flew into Flo's flavored ice cream.

Drake's drill drip dried.