Mrs. Crull's Second Grade Class

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Few Pictures of the Kiddos! :)

Here are some pictures that I have taken in class over the last couple of weeks. If you don't see yourself, I promise to get everyone's picture on here! :)

Silly picture from the first day of school.

Corie and Gabby's tanagram creation.

Matthew K. reading in his favorite spot. ;) Matthew, I hadn't realized until now that you do seem to always be reading in this same spot in the room. :)

Chloe, Cameron and Angelina taking Reading Counts quizzes. The kids are doing an AWESOME job reading books and passing Reading Counts quizzes on their books! Keep up the good work! :)

Gabby, Sydney, Megan and Jade reading during DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time.

These pictures are of kids working on their centers.


Ms. Kost and Jacob
