Mrs. Crull's Second Grade Class

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Testing and Masks

The end of this week at school was a little crazy. All day Thursday and Friday we had someone pulling the kids out to do two reading tests. The first test was the Diebels test that they have been doing since kindergarten. The second test was a new test that figures out the reading level of each child. This test takes a long time to administer because the students have to keep on reading passages and answering questions until it gets too hard for them.

Since I had so many students coming and going, we couldn't really do a lot. So, on Friday afternoon we decided to do an art project. It actually started out being something totally different, but as the kids started cutting their paper, we all noticed that they looked like faces. The more I looked at them, the more I thought they looked like Aztec or Mayan tribal masks. So, I looked online to show the kids what one of these masks looked like, and challenged them to try and make their picture into a tribal mask. They all seemed to enjoy this last minute art project. They also enjoyed trying to make mustache's for themselves to wear with the scraps. :)

Here are four pictures that I thought turned out great!

By Evan

By Gabby

By Claire

By Matthew T.

By Noah