Mrs. Crull's Second Grade Class

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Personal Flags

This week, we read a story in our reading book about the American flag. To go along with the story, we learned about flags and made our own flag. We first looked at the 12 main types of flags. Some of the names of these flags are the tricolor vertical flag, bicolor horizontal flag, quartered flag, and bordered flag. Then we discussed colors, and how certain colors symbolize certain things or make you feel a certain way. Bright colors like yellow and orange can symbolize happiness. Blue and green are calming colors. Earth and nature can be symbolized by brown and green. We put our knowledge of flags and symbolism to work by looking at various flags in books and discussing what their different parts mean. Then we were ready to create our own flag about ourselves.
For this project, the students had to choose a type of flag, use at least 3 colors that would symbolize something about themselves, and include 1 symbol on their flag. Then they wrote about their flag and what each part symbolized. I was amazed at what a wonderful job all the kids did on the flag project!

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