Mrs. Crull's Second Grade Class

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


To wrap up our chapter on the properties of matter in science, I thought that it would be fun to have the kids make goop. Goop is a weird substance that, when done right, is both a solid and a liquid. It is really cool. My class made it last year, and it went pretty well. The recipe calls for both white Elmer's glue and starch. Unfortunately, this year things didn't go as well as last year. All we did was end up making a big sticky goopy gluey mess!
Here are some pictures of our "experiment". In the end, they had fun.
And on a Friday before a holiday, that's what counts! :)

It was so messy and runny, that I had to have the kids stick their hands in their cup and they had to be walked, with me holding the cup, to the bathroom to wash their hands.
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