Mrs. Crull's Second Grade Class

Friday, April 24, 2009

Color Survey

I gave the kids a color survey to see how different colors make them feel, or what they associate with different colors. These were the interesting results. :)
Red = hot, love, and warning
Pink = happy, love, and spring
Orange = hot and fall
Yellow = happy, spring, and summer
Green = money, nature, and spring
Blue = cold and calm
Purple = good and calm
Brown = nature and fall
Black = bad and hate
Gray = sad and winter
White = cold and white
Other interesting findings on the survey were that no one thought that these colors were associated to these things. (does that make sense? :-)
Red is not a calm color.
Pink is not bad or cold, or associated with hate.
Yellow is not associated with bad.
Green doesn't make them feel sad, bad, or cold, and it is not a warning color.
Blue is not associated with the word hot.
When it come to seasons, these are the colors they think of.
Spring = pink, yellow, green
Summer = yellow
Fall = orange, brown
Winter = winter, white