Mrs. Crull's Second Grade Class

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008

Today we were able to go down to the polling site at NPE. The inspector for the site was nice enough to walk the kids through the process of casting a vote. They were able to see where you sign in to vote and check out a real ballot. He also showed them how people with disabilities vote. There is a machine that scans the ballot and reads it to them. Then all they need to do is touch the screen to cast their vote. Then he showed the kids how a voter puts their ballot into the scanner to cast their vote. They also talked to us about absentee voting. I was very impressed that the polling inspector took the time to talk to the kids on this exciting day!

After we came back to our class, we had our own election. Allie was our registrar, and each child came to her and told her their name. She checked their name off the class list and gave them a ballot with each candidates name and picture on it. The students then went to a mock election booth to mark their ballot. Lastly, they dropped their ballot into the ballot box. The whole second grade participated in this election activity today.

Once all the votes were counted, the results were:

John McCain 44
Barack Obama 40


These are some pictures I took of the kids out at recess about a month ago.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Friday was quite a day in Mrs. Crull's class! We had our Halloween parade and party! The mom's and dad's did a great job planning and helping out in the classroom to make our Halloween party a lot of fun! Here are some pictures from this exciting day.

The little guy is my son Alex who came to walk in the parade. My other son Brannon was there too. Every one's costumes were great! We had Princess Pheona, skeletons, ghostly ghouls, Batman, Darth Vader, a knight, a pirate, a veterinarian, a Granny, and more!

Allie's baby sister was there as a ladybug, and we saw Noah's new baby sister dressed as a bunny!

I was dressed as a "fanatic sports fan". My boys were dressed as Ironman and Optimus Prime. I'm glad Princess Pheona chose Shrek instead of this evil looking guy! Sorry Ryan! :)

Here's our class! Dressed and ready to go!

Parade Time!

Now it's time for some Halloween treats and Bingo!

Catwoman Corie, Darth Vader Matthew, Miss Green Outfit Wearing (not sure what you really were :-) Chloe, Mr. Incredibly Snaggle Toothed Evan, and Dark Knight Jacob were looking good!!!

I thought maybe "Miss Behaving" (ya right! :-) Emma and "Major Flirt" (really :-) Chloe would make a good picture. Gabby, I LOVE your costume! You would make an excellent veterinarian!

Last but definitely not least, Matthew T., our visiting GRANNY! I couldn't believe you chose to wear a dress! :) You crack me up! And Matthew K. and Corie...don't you know better than to pick on a poor old lady! ;-)